Food is Family. Sustainable Food Center.

Marquel and Family

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Your gift doubles the amount of healthy food for families like Marquel’s. 


Dear Friend,

Access to fresh, healthy food is a basic human right. But for thousands of individuals like Marquel, being able to afford fresh fruits and vegetables is just out of reach.

Thanks to your support, SFC programs like the Double Dollar Incentive Program (DDIP), allows families like Marquel’s to visit the SFC Farmers’ Markets and double the dollar amount that they can spend on fruits and vegetables at the market.

Marquel tells everyone she knows about the DDIP program: “This program has literally been a lifesaver for us. When we can come home with twice as much healthy food, and know we’ll be putting nutritious, home cooked meals on the table—that’s the best feeling in the world.”

Won't you continue to support access to healthy food for everyone in our community?

Your support brings direct access to locally-grown food to the children and families in Austin who need it the most.

From our family to yours, thank you for your investment in SFC!

Ronda Rutledge
Ronda Rutledge
Executive Director

P.S. Tell a friend about this campaign and help us support the future of our local food community.

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